

Psychiatry patients need psychiatric medications for an extended period (a few months to years), depending on the nature of the mental illness. Psychiatric medicines are costly. On average, one patient will have to spend Rs.1,000 to Rs. 2,000 monthly. We noticed that few patients who fall below the poverty line could not set aside this amount every month and discontinue psychiatric treatment just because they cannot afford to buy psychiatric medications. Consequently, these patients become unmanageable without treatment and eventually get abandoned on the streets.

To help such needy poor patients, our hospital is providing Free Psychiatry Drugs inside Psychiatry Department. Approximately Rs.30,000 worth of medicines have been given every month for the past five years. Thousands of patients are benefited from this service. Many patients are living a decent life working, earning for their family, getting married, and mothers caring for their children living a decent and productive life.

Phychiatry Deparment
Year Month Free Drug No of Units
2016 October T.Risperidone 2mg 1,000
T.Risperidone 4mg 18,000
T.Olanzapine 5mg 200
T.Chlorpromazine 50mg 500
T.Chlorpromazine 100mg 500
T.Fluoxetine 20mg 600
T.Fluoxetine 20mg 600
T.Imipramine 25mg 2,000
T.Sertraline 50mg 600
T.Sodium valproate 200mg 300
T.Sodium valproate 500mg 300
T.Sodium valproate 500mg 100
T.Nitrozepam 5mg 780
T.Diazepam 5mg 1,000
Inj.Diclofenac 1ml 500
Inj.Thiamine 2ml 10
2017 Februry T.Olanpine 5mg 2,000
T.Risperidone 2mg 2,000
T.Haloperidol 5mg 1,000
T.Quetiapine 50mg 3,000
T.Escitalopram 10mg 100
T.Amitriptyline 25mg 500
T.Setraline 50mg 1,000
T.Venlafaxine 50mg 500
T.Lorazepam 2mg 500
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,000
T.Sodium valproate 500mg 2,000
Inj.Thiamine 1ml 200
T.Thiamine 200
T.Thp 5,000
2017 September T.Olanzepine 5mg 1,000
T.Risperidone 4mg 1,000
T.Sertraline 50 MG 1,000
T.lorazepam 2mg 1,000
2017 December T.Olanzepine 10mg 1,000
T.lorazepam 2mg 1,000
T.Haloperidol 5mg 500
T.Risperidone + T.Thp 1,000
T.Sodium valproate 500mg 500
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,000
T.Amitryptyline 75mg 200
T.Lorazepam 2mg 500
2018 March T.Quetiapine 100mg 1,000
T.Olanzepine 5mg 1,000
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,000
T.Thp 2mg 500
T.Risperidone forte 1,000
2018 September T.Olanzapine 5mg 500
T.Olanzapine 10mg 1,000
T.Risperidone 4mg 2,000
T.Amitryptyline 75mg 500
T.Sertraline 100mg 1,000
T.Lorazepam 1,000
2018 December T.Divalproate 500mg 1,000
T.Dothipin 25mg 500
T.Dothipin 75mg 500
t.Risperidone 4mg 1,600
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,680
T.Olanzepine 5mg 1,200
T.Olanzepine 10mg 1,800
T.Sertraline 100mg 1,200
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,800
2019 March T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,000
T.Risperidone forte 1,000
T.Olazepine 5mg 1,000
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,000
T.Dothipin 25mg 1,000
T.Divalproate 1g 500
T.Divalproate 500mg 750
2019 May T.Risperidone forte 500
T.Olanzepine 10mg 500
T.Quetiapine 50mg 500
T.Sertraline 100g 500
T.Dothipine 75mg 500
T.Divalproate 1g 500
T.Divalproate 500mg 500
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,000
T.Lorazepam 2mg 1,000
2019 August T.Risperidone forte 500
T.Thp 1,000mg 1,000
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,000
T.Lorazepam 2mg 1,000
T.Risperidone fotre 1,000
T.Olanzepine 10mg 1,000
t.Quetiapine 50mg 500
T.Qivalproate 1g 500
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,000
2020 January T.Divalproate sodium 500mg 900
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,440
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,400
T.Sisperidone forte 1,440
T.Thp 2mg 1,440
2020 June T.Diva, Lproate sodium 1g 400
T.Diva, Lproate sodium 500mg 250
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,300
T.Risperidone forte 1,200
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,300
T.Dothiepin 50mg 400
T.Quetiapine 100mg 400
2020 December T.Divalproate sodium 1g 650
T.Risperidone forte 1300
T.Dothiepin 50mg 390
T.Lorazepam 2mg 650
T.Divalproate sodium 500mg 650
T.Quetiapine 100mg 520
T.Sertraline 50mg 1560
T.Olanzepine 10mg 910
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,300
2021 January T.Divalproate 1g 500
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,000
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 1,000
T.Risperidone forte 1,000
T.Dothiepin 50mg 500
T.Lorazepam 2mg 500
T.Divalproate 500mg 500
T.Quetiapine SR 100mg 500
T.Olanzepine 10mg 1,000
2021 July T.Sertraline 100mg 1,000
T.Sertraline 50mg 500
T.Divalproate 1g 500
T.Divalproate 500mg 1,000
T.Quetiapine sr 500
T.Amitriptyline 25mg 500
T.Sertraline 50mg 1,000
T.Divalproate 500mg 700
2021 November T.Risperidone forte 1,000
T.Escitalopram 10mg 500
T.Olanzepine 10mg 500
T.Quetiapine SR 100mg 200
T.Dothiepin 50mg 1,000
T.Lorazepam 2mg 1,000
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 600
T.Thp 2mg 300
T.Amitriptylline 25mg 200
2022 January T.Sertraline 50mg 1,300
T.Sertraline 100mg 650
T.Escitalopram 10mg 650
T.Divalproate sodium 500mg 1,300
T.Risperidone forte 390
T.Quetiapine SR 100mg 650
T.Clonazepam 0.5mg 650
T.Amitriptylline 25mg 650
T.Thp 1,300